Savoury Muffins - the Cheese and Bacon way!

Admittingly, I have been slow in updating my blog. Not all my culinary creations pan out but when they do, they do :) One such creation is actually baking savoury muffins. Naturally I cannot say that the recipe is my own but I have modified it to fit my needs instead. Also, fitting to my already bursting refrigerator, I had to rid myself of cheddar cheese, bacon and milk. So what more than coming up with Cheese and Bacon Muffins!

 The recipe required:

250g plain flour
1tbsp baking powder
50g (3 slices) bacon rashers
50g (1 cup) Cheddar cheese and more for topping
1tsp dried oregano
75g chilled butter
1 medium egg
175ml milk


  • Firstly crank up your oven to 200 Celcius to warm up. Then prepare your muffin tray by laying muffin cups. With that out of the way you can commence with making the batter.
  • Fry up your bacon rashers till crispy. Drain excess oil with kitchen towels and crumble them. Then grate your cheese. Which ever size is fine as long as it is grated.
  • Sift the flour into a large enough mixing bowl along with the baking powder. Then pour in crumbled bacon and toss in grated cheese. Next add in the dried oregano before grating in your chilled butter. However, you can also cut your butter into cubes and rub it into the flour as you toss all the ingredients together.
  • Next, beat the egg with the milk before adding to the flour mixture. Using a fork, just toss the mixture until most have been combined but lumpy. Don't worry about the mixture being lumpy as that allows muffins to retain airiness in them while baking and it doesn't become a weapon when you throw at people. 
  • Spoon into muffin tray, top it with more grated cheese and bake for 20 mins. 
  • Serve warm or cold.
I had a blast making them and it was a change to having sweet muffins all the time. 

Have fun eating...I sure did.

Ricotta muffins perhaps?
The  Innovative Baker
