The ever favourite - Rendang (Malaysian Dry Curry)

When I first discovered that rendang was not exactly that difficult to cook, I set out to make it. Given that this picture looks lighter than usual, the rendang did not cook for a long period of time but still tasted like it, looked like it and was done in no time! So what went into it?

2 kg lamb - for braising / stewing (preferably the neck)
6 stalks of lemon grass - julienned
10 to 15 Bombay shallots (or 5 normal shallots)
8 cloves of garlic
A palm size of ginger (equivalent to 8 knobs of ginger)
A handful of kaffir lime leaves -julienned
2 tbsp of chilli boh (made of dried chilli boiled in water, drained and blended to a paste)
1 tbsp oil
2 kg of coconut milk
Salt to taste

  • Firstly make your chilli boh, by placing 1 cup of dried chilli into a mixing bowl, cutting them into smaller pieces and soaking in hot water. Drain it before blending it into a paste. Put it into a big pot.
  • Place skinned shallots and garlic in a food processor and pulse it. don't blend into a pulp form. You still want it a little rough.
  • Add shallots and garlic into the pot. Julien your ginger and lemon grass and add them into the pot. Next add the julienned lime leaves and the meat that has been washed.
  • Finally add in the coconut milk, salt and oil before bringing it to boil.
  • When it comes to a boil, lower the heat to a simmering volume and let it sit on the stove for a minimum of 2 hours. At best 4 hours on very low heat as then you'll see the coconut milk reduce, turn colour and the oil from the coconut milk separating from the milk. Stir occasionally to avoid the bottom from burning.
  • From what it would look like a full pot, it will reduce to 1/3 of its contents as everything becomes to soak in its sauce. 
  • Remove from the heat and serve hot with white rice or bread. Indian breads like naan, chapati, pratha and even dosai are perfect matches.
This was my third attempt at making rendang and I must say, the recipe truly does live up to its name. The original recipe called for turmeric leaves. So add that in instead of kaffir lime leaves if you have them. Otherwise the lime leaves will do just fine. 

Already wanting to cook another round of rendang,
The Innovative Baker
