Chocolate Cupcakes with Passionfruit Curd Filling, Passionfruit Cream Cheese Frosting and a Kamquat Topping

I love recycling my recipes... lol! Well... if a recipe works why not use it right? So for the weekend I was going to Bristol and to see my bff and god daughter, I planned on surprising her with a new cupcake flavour. Well in the blogosphere and twittersphere and whathaveyounot it isn't exactly that new, but new by Asian standards anyway, I figured I'd combine, dark chocolate, passionfruit, cream cheese and kamquats... The results? Magnificent!!! What went into it? Here goes?

The cupcake:

A bottle of Passionfruit curd from the Cherry Tree (they're everywhere in Realfood festivals to the Foodie Festivals)

2x 200g Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1x 284ml double cream
200g icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
passionfruit pulp from 4 passionfruits

Fresh kamquats
passionfruit pulp from 2 passionfruits

  1. Firstly make the cupcakes of course and set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, make your frosting by adding all the ingredients except the passionfruit pulp. After the frosting is made (usually when firm peaks appear and the frosting is firm and thick), take out, add in the pulp and fold it in. 
  3. Next, use an apple corer to borough through the centre of the cooled down cupcakes. You should have a hollow middle, much like cored apples.
  4. Then in a piping bag without a nozzle, spoon in the passionfruit curd and then pipe into the hollow centres. Not enough? Don't worry, you can top it up with the frosting later.
  5. Next, in a bigger piping bag with any kind of nozzle you want, spoon in the cream cheese frosting and pipe to your heart's desire.
  6. Finally, top it off with a fresh kamquat and spoon some passionfruit pulp. 
It was indeed yummy!!!!!!!!!! At least it strays away from the usual cupcakes flavours right?

Next on the list of recipes that I owe, Kuih Serimuka.
The Innovative Baker


  1. Mmmmm passion fruit! One of my favourite flavours! Now I can add to cake! *yay* :)

  2. Oh yes... and perhaps on Millefeuille too!


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