Spicy Sausage Rolls

I am a big fan of sausage rolls and whilst it isn't the healthiest of snacking options, I do enjoy the occasional sausage roll from Greg's. Then I figured why not make my own. So I did! This recipe was easy! And since I haven't had much time in the kitchen to really roll out self-made puff pastry, I bought ready-rolled puff pastry from the supermarket and proceeded to making them:

500gms sausages
1 yellow onion - diced finely
1 tbsp chilli flakes
freshly ground black pepper
2 carrots - finely grated or diced finely
100gms stilton cheese - finely grated
1 packet of ready-rolled puff pastry
1 egg - to hold pastry together and to brown the pastry

  1. Take out your ready-rolled puff pastry out of the fridge to defrost for a bit so that when you unroll it, it won't crack. Then crank up your oven to 180 Degree Celcius. Line a baking pan with greaseproof paper and set aside.
  2. Next in a food processor, add in your sausages. Here I used german sausages that were coarsely chopped into smaller pieces. Pulse the sausages first to make them coarsely ground. Then add in the diced yellow onion, chilli flakes, black pepper, cheese and carrots and pulse them again. You could opt for a coarse filling or a denser one, it is entirely up to you. There is no need for salt and the sausages are normally salted already. Beat the egg and set aside.
  3. Next...unroll your pastry on to a chopping board. Then using your hands, line a row of the filling along the pastry about 5cm away from the pastry border as you will fold the pastry over the filling. 
  4. Once you have finished lining the filling, use a brush or your finger tips and dip into the beaten egg and brush along the edges of the pastry and the filling. Fold the pastry over the filling and pack it firmly leaving no pockets of air. 
  5. Press the pastry along the areas where the beaten egg was brushed on. Then cut along the edges of the filled pastry. You will have a very long pastry that looks like a sausage naturally. Then cut the filled pastry into smaller pieces and slice the top of the pastry to give it more character. 
  6. Brush the pastry tops with the egg wash and line it on the baking pan. Repeat the process until there is no more pastry or no more filling. Save whatever that is leftover and you can reuse it for a different occassion.
  7. Pop the rolls into the oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown. Let it rest on the baking pan before serving it up warm!
You can opt to not make them into rolls by using a pastry mould and the effect will be the same just bigger or smaller portions.

Safe to say this can be something you can make for Valentine's Day as well and it is quick to make without much hassle. So who says you can't make sausage rolls eh?

The Innovative Baker looking to make currypuffs next!
