Home made Guacamole - As easy as 123!

I first made guacamole a little over two years ago when I was having a dinner party. I wasn't entirely sure what went into it but decided to experiment. This time, I made it with a slight twist of red chillies and it turned out pretty good. The photo of course doesn't say much but the taste was fantastic and fresh! 

2 ripe avocados
1 to 2 red chillies - depending on how spicy you want it to be.
1 red onion
1 lime
a handful of mint leaves
a handful of coriander leaves
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar

  1. Firstly, finely dice red onions and finely chop the mint leaves and coriander leaves and place into a mixing bowl. Next deseed the red chillies and finely dice them before adding it to the mixing bowl.
  2. Next cut through the avocados by running the knife down the middle and circle it along the seed. Twist the avocado and it'll separate. Use a spoon to remove the seed and then proceed to scrape the avocado flesh off the skin into the bowl straight. Continue doing the same with the second avocado.
  3. Next add the juice of 1 lime, the salt and sugar. Using a fork, mash the contents together. 
  4. Taste to see if it needs additional seasoning and you're good to go.
  5. Serve it up with anything really from tortilla chips to even pappadoms.
Savoury cheese spread coming up!

The Innovative Baker
