Donnowhat2cook for a party 2

Prawns in home made Mayo in Mini Pita

Following up on the party favours, we always try to find the easiest recipe to prepare for parties. Whilst in London, my flatmates and I decided to have a picnic at the park that ended up in our living room because of the misty weather we had one fine summer morning. Then again, it was good we had it indoors as we could make use of our crockery rather than take away packaging. Finger foods were probably the best bet so I made the Prawns in Home Made Mayo in Mini Pita. What went in?


1 packet or 500 grams                 medium sized prawns (pre-cooked)
1 packet or a dozen of                 mini pita bread

Home Made Mayo:
A dollop of                                  whole grain mustard (up to your liking rather)
Two                                            egg yolks
1 tsp                                            salt
1 tsp                                            pepper
2 sprigs of                                    fresh basil
a dash of                                      dried oregano
half a bottle of                              olive oil
(Mayonnaise is not for the light hearted)


  1. First prepare the mayo. Add all ingredients into a mixer except the olive oil. Start blitzing all the ingredients whilst dribbling in the olive oil. When mayo thickens, stop adding in olive oil. Continue mixing for another minute and then set aside.

  2. Wash prawns and pre boil. Drain, and remove shells. Even better when you find pre-cooked prawns and it was save you time.

  3. Combine prawns and mayo together and refrigerate.

  4. Toast mini pita bread in oven or toaster. When guests start arriving, fill mini pita with prawn filling. Serve accordingly.

This recipe is as simple as can be. And tastes great too! Plus, you can also make your own mayo. Fantastic right? If you do not like mustard, then you can take it out. You can add chilli flakes to make it asian tasting. The dish disappeared in one seating, so be sure to make more. The prawns can be alternated with chicken breasts.

Having fun preparing for a party,
The Innovative Baker


  1. Dear Vincent, wow! Thanks for the compliment!

    I have added Petit Chef and would love to share my recipes with everyone.

    Thanks again for loving my blog :)


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