the Asian Food Channel Foodie Face Off 2013 Kuala Lumpur

Yeap you read right! Yours truly decided to join the Asian Food Channel's Foodie Face Off 2013. Which dish did I decide to feature? Well based on feedback...I thought why not something really traditional like my Otak Otak Nyonya Style that I served up at the Second Budaya Kusina Supperclub in London.

Otak Otak Nyonya Style

The Face Off is to happen on the 29th of June. But in order for me to qualify, I need to be amongst the top 50 photos for the judges to decide on picking the top 20 finalists. So we have til the 19th of June to vote!!! So vote for me by clicking on the link here or on the title of my dish above and lets send me to the finals!

This already sounds exciting!!!

Can't wait to actually cook in an actual competition,
The Innovative Baker
