What went down at the Deutsche Supperclub

The most recent and 1ST ever Deutsche Supperclub was held last Saturday to much success! Within a week of announcing, I have 4 spaces booked and then a week after everything was sold out! Whhioopppiieeee!!! Jumping like a hot potato, I set myself to make sure this SUPPERCLUB was one to remember. I even had my good friend Jaime of Jaim's Kitchen from London come along to it brought who along 3 others friends of hers. Together with her, ChicGorgeous - the beautiful Joanna also made it to the Supperclub with her sister in law and to round the bevy of beauties was the one and only handsome guy friend - Nicholaus - the one without a blog but with a big happy appetite. 

The printed menu along with beers bought from Ales & Lagers made its star début on the 25th of May 2013. It was also coincidentally my close friend's birthday - MARK BOWMAN. You know who you are. Getting on... what was served? 

Die Karte
(The Menu)

Zum Kosten (To Taste):
Weihenstephaner in 2 Sortiment: Dunkel und Weiss
(2 types of Weihenstephaner Beer: Dark and Clear)

Zum Anfang (To Start):
Frikadelle mit Gurkensalat
(Fried Meat Patties with Cucumber Salad)

Currywurst mit Pommes
(German Frankfurter Sausages with Spiced Tomato Sauce and Curry with French Fries)

Hauptgerichte (The Mains):
Doener Kebap
(Germany's version of the Turkish Kebab served with a yoghurt dressing)

Spiessbraten mit Bratkartoffeln und frische Krautsalat
(German Roast Pork Belly with Sautéed Potatoes and fresh pickled cabbage)

Zum Ende (To End):
Apfelstreuselkuchen mit Vanilleneiercreme
(Apple Streusel Cake with Vanilla Bean Custard)

Coffee / Tea
Petite Fours

So as the guests arrived, everyone was having a happy laugh and getting to know each other. 

Monkeying around as the guests were being served the first course.

(Frikadelle mit Gurkensalat)

(Excuse some of the pictures, some were taken from Instagram, while others were pictures from Nicholaus)

As I made the yoghurt dressing for the Cucumber Salad, I somehow remembered how it would taste if it was from Germany. One taste and woo hoo it hit the mark. Yes no kidding. Lol... based on what I remember, the guests were mentioning how good the cucumber salad was. I added slices of pickled gherkins too to add additional kick! The meat patties were a combo of beef and pork and a mixture of herbs that went well with the cucumber salad. 

The next in line was the sausages:

(Currywurst mit Pommes)

I slogged at the stove to come up with the home made tomato ketchup, which at the end one of the guests decided to 'TA PAU BALIK' (take away).

The home made tomato ketchup infused with basil, marjoram, bay leaves, rosemary, paprika, cayenne pepper, chilli powder and sugar.

I must say, that the compliments so far (despite the rather soggy fries) was very encouraging, with many saying the tomato ketchup is sweet yet has a kick to it! YUM!

Then came the mains. Both the chicken and the pork belly were marinated for more than 24 hours. Sitting in the fridge with my secret spices, the chicken and pork belly turned out magnificently or so I think.
The Doener Kebap
(Complete with homemade turkish flatbread, roasted Mediterranean spiced chicken and vegetables) and a side of yoghurt tzatziki dressing.

Bread was never my forte. However, I figured store bought bread was not going to cut it. So I made it. With much sweat and tears, the bread turned out!

The bread before it was sliced.

I gather from the whispers and sometimes oh so quiet moments at the dinner table, the guests were pleased with their offerings. Oh and in case you're wondering why certain dishes were served in boxes, I wanted to provide the guests the feeling that when they were eating street food, it would be served in take away boxes. And that's what both the Currywurst and Kebab was - take away street food. 

The star of the night as the guests put it was the Spiessbraten:

(Spiessbraten - German Roasted Pork Belly)

Spiessbraten mit Bratkartoffeln und frische Krautsalat
(German Roasted Pork Belly served with Sautéed Potatoes and Fresh Pickled Cabbage)

As I cut into the skin of the pork belly and heard the crunch, I was so excited. The bits that fell off, I placed it in my mouth only to than ooh and aah at how yummy it was! I knew it was a success! But to now wait for the guests to eat and see what they say. Result? Silence at the dinner table, then crunch crunch crunch, and then...mmmmmmm.... yummy!

I was very pleased! One of the guests also asked to take away another slice of the pork belly. How rad is that?

The finale was dessert:

Apfelstreuselkuchen (Apple Streusel Cake before being sliced)

Apfelstreuselkuchen mit Vanilleneiercreme (Apple Streusel Cake with Vanille Bean Custard)

The cake was the BOMB! The custard flew off the shelves and someone asked for the seconds. Need I say more? Lol... not one to compliment my own cooking as I always think that there is room for improvement, the smiles on my diners faces was enough to let me enjoy and savour the moment. 

The dinner ended with a German aperitif - Killepitsch (only found in Duesseldorf and German Airport Duty Free), guests who did try it were pleasantly surprised but not put off by it. This lot of diners were definitely adventurous.

So how did the supperclub go? Fabulous! Wunderbar! Tres Bien! Buonisimmo!

I eventually cleaned up and went to bed around 1am. But heck, the joy of my diners enjoying my food was good enough for me. I went to bed with a smile and knowing I wouldn't mind having another supperclub.

So I hope to see you at the next one!

The ever so adventurous chef,
The Innovativebaker


  1. Sounds amazing! Wish I was there!


    1. Hey Lucy! You will be when you and Sara get your butts here!

  2. Thanks for the delicious meal and lovely company Lyn!! Such a great time too meeting Jo! Looking forward to seeing you in London next :D

    1. Hey Jaime! Thanks for coming and also bringing along such great diners / friends and foodies altogether! I hope to feed you guys soon again!


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