Sunny Side Ups with Chorizo Bits

Not exactly the most apt recipe for the National Vegetarian Week but I know the meat lovers would appreciate this as a good breakfast alternative maybe?

Anyhoo... I was watching Saturday Kitchen Live where Sat Bains was fixing a seriously big brunch of eggs, chorizo sausages and such! So I figured, what a great way to fix up my chorizo since I only ever eat them sliced and on its own. Plus, you don't even need oil to cook the eggs and the chorizo itself renders enough oil and fat when fried for the eggs to get cooked!

1 medium sized chorizo sausage or half a chorizo sausage if bought fresh
2 medium sized eggs
pepper and chilli flakes
2 slices of oat bread

  1. Firstly prepare the sausages by dicing them into smaller pieces but big enough to pierce through with a fork.
  2. Heat up a frying pan and toss in the diced chorizo. Let it render and you will see the oil and fat sipping out. Ladle the chorizo to one side of the pan.
  3. Add in the eggs and let the oil cook it. The eggs will incorporate the chorizo flavours. Add a dash of pepper and chilli flakes. As the chorizo is salty as well, there is no need for salt. Cook until whites are cooked and yolk is slightly runny.
  4. Ladle out the eggs and chorizo on to a plate, serve with 2 slices of toasted oat bread to soak up the leftover bits of juices, sauce, oil and egg yolk left over.
God...this was a dreamy breakfast and my breakfast menu keeps growing!

Next to watch out, inspired by the many food markets now, flowerpot bread.

The Innovative Baker
