Cold weather recipes!

It is never nice when weather changes especially in unsuspecting London, UK. But weather that changes gives us all the opportunity to enjoy nice wintery soups again (even if it is April and we should be able to able to wear espadrilles, shorts and a nice top). So just in case you're wondering to cook for such rainy weather but can't bear the thought of putting in too much work then here's some recipe suggestions:

Bak Kut Teh (A Malaysian Herbal Soup with Pork and Shiitake Mushrooms)
Pan Mee (Home Made Chinese Noodles with Shiitake Mushrooms, Minced Meat and Chinese Mustard Leaves)


Take your time and indulge in some of these delectable dishes and they're hearty, warms you up and provides you a warm fuzzy feeling at the end of the day!

Have fun while I experiment with Coconut and Cashew Nut Rice,
The Innovative Baker


  1. When I studied in KL, I used to eat Pan Mee(the dry version) with chicken curry all the time, followed by crunchy guava & papaya as refreshment. All bought from the same store! And the guava was topped with plum powder("xun mui fen" in cantonese)! I made pan mee twice in the past & those were the days when I still hadn't opened this blog! There are many Malaysian restaurants here but yet I can't find one that sells Pan Mee, I guess is becoz the western people don't like them!

  2. That could very well be a reason though here in London there are some who do offer it but a poor reflection of what it can be. I sometimes wonder whether these so-called Malaysian restaurants actually put in any effort whatsoever to make sure they actually produce good food...


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