Wedding cake mania!!!!

Alright, I posted it on Facebook and am taking my time to publish it on my blog, but here you have it, the wedding cake.

It started when a really good friend asked if I could bake her wedding cake! I was of course excited! My first wedding cake! Then I realized... Oh boy! So as always, we discussed what the cake might be like and I conceptualized it with the basis of how the cake would look like first incorporating the favourite flavours of the couple. Pitched it to her, she discussed it with fiancé now husband and voila!

Then came stage 2: deciding what actually will be the cake. The flavours were pretty much decided for the cake itself - chocolate for the larger tier, vanilla for the smaller tier. The cream filling was then thoroughly discussed on what flavours and tastes to mix up and see whether it would turn out. Donor was decided that the chocolate cake would have caramelized orange skin in butter cream filling while the vanilla cake would be the recipient of a cinnamon infused home made strawberry jam. The frosting was cream cheese frosting. What about decorations? Well, fresh orchids was wholeheartedly agreed upon and silver pearls to add the finishing touch.

The end result is the picture you see. The happy couple was delighted! I threw in 2 dozen red velvet cupcakes as an added gift to the happy wedded couple.

It took me 3 days in total to get everything in order (only night shifts since I work full time). So technically 1 whole day to get all of it together!

Thank you Sara for asking. It was a great joy to have baked it for you and to see such happy smiling faces when eating it.

Now it is Christmas cookies time!!!!


  1. Would also like to add that there was none left after the party of either the cake or the cupcakes (despite a number of friends requesting that I hold them a slice). the two cupcakes i did snaffle got eaten by a 'mystery person at home'. Was truly delicious and loved by everyone- a testament to your baking prowess :) thank you. Sara

  2. Awww hun!!!!! You're very welcome for one thing and at the same time, I'd do it for you anytime!

    Glad to know people were stealing them...hahahahaha!!!!!

  3. Hi, this is Lucy from the wedding :) Found your blog via your Facebook page as I noted the URL down wrong at the wedding!

    Let me just tell everyone how amazing these cakes were! Never tried red velvet cupcakes before and they were amazing! :D

  4. Hey Lucy!'re a sweet heart hun!!! We must meet up soon :)

  5. Oh for sure! It's a shame Harpz has moved away :(


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