Dry Egg Noodles with Button Mushrooms, Chicken Breast and Vegetables


Tired of having fried noodles? Then this is actually a healthier version for you. Living in non-Asian countries means most noodles come in dried format. Very much like the instant noodles and pasta you find in major supermarkets. However in Asia, noodles are made fresh, delivered fresh and used fresh. But of course, I'm writing from a world away from Asia and that fresh noodles are difficult to get especially rice noodles and egg noodles. But not to fret, the cooking process is as easy as 123 and you'll have fun preparing this.


For condiments:
150gms chicken breast - sliced and marinated with oyster sauce, black pepper, sesame oil
5 - 6 button mushrooms - sliced

1 portion mustard leaves or rommaine lettuce (as per the pic above) - washed and cleaned off of any sediments
1 bunch of dried egg noodles
1 tsp vegetable oil
1 small baby onion or shallot - sliced
Salt and pepper to taste

Dressing for Tossing of noodles:
1 tbsp thick soy sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 puff or dash of white pepper
1 round of sesame oil

  1. Prepare your condiments first. Marinade your chicken with the ingredients and leave aside. You can replace oyster sauce with soy sauce and add in chilli flakes if you wish.
  2. First boil a pot of water, half filled. Add some vegetable oil and salt to ensure noodles remain crisp. When water is boiling, add in your noodles. Reduce the heat. Your noodles will soon loosen up. Keep it simmering for another 2 minutes or soft to the touch. How? Take a loose strand and pierce through with a fork, chopstick or your fingers. Remove from heat, drain and cool with cold water. Leave aside.
  3. On a separate pan, heat up the vegetable oil. Add in the baby onion and stir till fragrant. Add in chicken and cook for a few minutes making sure the meat turns white in the centre before adding in mushrooms. Add some water to let chicken and mushroom simmer and soak up the juices. Add in salt and pepper to taste. Once cooked leave aside.
  4. Remove noodles from original pot to boil another pot of water. When water is boiling, add in the vegetables to blanch them. It will turn a deep green when cooked. Remove from water.
  5. Now, prepare the dressing for the noodle tossing. On a flat bowl or plate, pour the dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, white pepper and sesame oil on the base. Place cooked noodles on top of it. Use the salad tosser or a pair of chopsticks and run the noodles with the dressing. Add in light soy sauce should it not be salty enough. Leave noodles on plate. 
  6. Place the chicken mushroom stir fry over the noodles and line it with your cooked vegetables. 
  7. Serve while its still warm!
There you go, a simply recipe for you. The noodles can be anything really. The condiments can also be replaced with sliced pork, beef or tofu if you are a vegetarian. If you cannot have eggs, then use rice noodles like vermicelli or flat rice noodles (kueh teow). You want it spicy? Then, add in a dash of chilli oil when tossing the noodles and sliced red chillies when cooking the chicken and mushrooms.

A serving of chinese noodles always take the cake!
The innovative Baker
