Goulash: The Asian Way

I was asked by a friend, Chuang Yik, to experiment cooking Hungarian Goulash but with Asian ingredients. Needless to say, when I checked out what actually went in to cook a goulash, it was actually very similar to that of a tomato sauce based stew, but with Paprika... So I set off looking for what can be replaced in the goulash to make it more Asian. Here's my version of the Goulash:


500 gms                   sliced beef for stewing (ask your local butcher which cuts are best for stews)
2                              whole red peppers (sliced into large cubes)
2                              yellow onions - sliced similar to the red peppers
1 can                        sliced tomatoes
1 - 1 1/2 tbsp           mild chilli powder
                                freshly ground black pepper
                                some corn starch (optional)

Marinade for beef:
1 1/2 tsp                  corn flour
1 round                    soy sauce
1 tsp                        sugar


  1. Firstly, marinade the beef and set aside. Should beef slices be too big, then slice to smaller bite size pieces.
  2. Heat up a pot, with some vegetable oil, some salt and wait till oil is heated up. Then add in the onions, stir until onions begin to turn colour and soft to the stir.
  3. Next add in your beef and continue to stir. When beefs looks half cooked, add in the canned tomatoes including the juices. Using the can as a measurement, add in another can of water and bring to boil. When boiling, lower the heat, and let it simmer. After 10 minutes, add in the chilli powder, stir and let it simmer.
  4. When water has reduced to 1/3 of the original portion, then add in the red peppers. Stir and continue to let it simmer. Check to make sure the bottom of the pot is not burnt.
  5. After 15 minutes or so, check the thickness of the sauce. If you feel that it should be thickened further, then add in the cornstarch that has already been premixed with some water. The sauce will radically thicken. You should see a layer of red oil on top of the sauce. Almost similar to what a bolognese sauce may have. If you like a sauce that is slightly more watery, then forget about the cornstarch.
  6. Serve with a portion of white rice (basmati or jasmine is fine). Alternatively, boil up some pasta and serve or freshly baked bread.
Relatively simple in terms of cooking. If you want to make it even more spicy, add in sliced red chillies. To make it mild, replace the chilli powder with paprika powder. 

Feeling all Hungarian after a hearty meal,

The Innovative Baker
